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Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Review of Resident Evil: Afterlife

Well another sequel of Resident Evil is upon us, some might say that the franchise has become more and more watered down with each addition to the series so what can we expect from the new outing called Resident Evil: Afterlife? well I just finished watching it this morning with the miss' and here are my thoughts of it, don't worry I'll keep it spoiler free for anyone interested in watching it themselves.

Much like with Scott Pilgrim vs the World, RE:Afterlife was shot in Toronto Ontario Canada and much like with Scott Pilgrim my wife got to work on it, the only difference was that I was generally interested in seeing this movie vs what I was with seeing Scott Pilgrim.

My wife spent a great deal of time on this particular feature, she even served as the onsite carpenter for the movie meaning she was hobnobbing with the celebs, well not really hobnobbing, its not like she was sitting down for lunch with them or anything but for those that have either seen the movie or watched the trailer, the red fighter jet that Alice is flying around in, you can thank my wife for having a hand in its creation as she built the majority of it.

So yeah I had several occasions where I was living vicariously through my wife, she'd get home tell me how she had to adjust the cockpit glass inbetween shoots while Mila Jovovich and Ali Larter were about a foot away in the plane's seats, she'd come home and tell me about how they were shooting this and shooting that and half the time I was telling her "I don't want to hear it, I don't want to know what's going to happen in the movie". One day she even came home with a cast picture including the actors in the movie and all the set workers with my wife tucker in the picture right above the director in the Wesker chair...I can only tell you that I was insanely jealous of her.

As for the movie itself, how did it really stack up to the previous RE's that came before it? well I enjoyed the first movie, it was pretty faithful to the game except for of course some character changes here and there but as a whole it was a solid movie and was very entertaining. Then we come to part 2, which was solid again, paying I think alittle more homage to the game by bringing in characters from RE2 the game and the inclusion of Nemesis, which like the way he looked or not it was thrown in there for the fans.

The only one I wasn't found of from the RE movies was the 3rd movie, it didn't to me feel like a real Resident Evil movie, and I found it seemed real final, it was set up that everything in the world was gone and that the last survivors are moving through the desert area having to contend with a new breed of Zombies, it was action packed sure...but did I enjoy it, not really.

So that brings us to Afterlife, and in some ways this sequel brings us back to the first 2 movies, taking us back to the cityscape of the T virus and the outbreak and the movie seemed refreshing. Alice is back kicking Zombie and Umbrella's ass and it was full of bullets flying, walls getting shot up and a ton of explosions. This sequel also brings in Albert Wesker finally to the live action Resident evil world portrayed by Shawn Roberts. Roberts at times seems a tad silly playing Wesker as if he's almost trying to channel Hugo Weaving's Agent Smith from the Matrix movies, when you see the movie you'll know what I'm talking about. This Wesker is at times...well all the time over the top but its likeable and I enjoyed every bit of screen time he was in, cheesy a bit but very entertaining.

The sequel also brings finally Chris Redfield which is a rewarding sight to see, wish he could have had some scenes where it was just him and his sister Claire taking Zombie names but I guess that could overshadow Alice's character and much like the sequels she's the main character to root for. Also like in Resident Evil 2 where we got a game baddy thrown in for the fans, Resident Evil Afterlife brings us the appearance from the very large, very intimidatiing Executioner from the RE5 game, every bit of screentime this guy gets is gold, unlike the Nemesis who at times looked like a guy wearing a rubber suit, the Executioner in RE afterlife looks downright scary just like Pyramid Head looked in the Silent Hill movie and I don't know if they altered his size in post production because this guy is huge in the movie.

Overall this Resident Evil sequel delivers a very entertaining story, solid action and just enough Zombies to make it a Resident Evil movie...ok it can be fluff at times but I liked the characters, none of which seemed out of place or just there to be killed, the effects were done well and surprisingly the 3D didn't ruin the movie like I was almost thinking it would. Resident Evil Afterlife gets a 6 out of 10, sure there's been better movies to come out but in the realm of the RE movies, this one is a tie for the 2nd best of the series, 2nd only to the original...go check it, sit back and just have a fun time at the movies, don't over analyze what you're watching after all its a Zombie movie right?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My review of Scott Pilgrim Vs the World

Alright, so this isn't quite the review I was first looking to do on this Blog, for the longest time I was going to post my thoughts on the movie The Expendables but I just finished seeing Scott Pilgrim Vs the World along with the wife and I thought lets put down my thoughts of the movie while its still fresh in my mind.

Let me just start buy saying that I had zero interest in seeing this movie, none whatsoever, based on what I saw of the movie in the trailers I was expecting the movie to be a steroid jacked version of the original HULK movie which I disliked due to the comic paneling and the need to make it feel more like a comicbook and less like a live action movie. Having said that I went to the movies solely due to my wife working on it, for those that have seen the movie she built the black and white squared flooring in the school and was responsible for alot of the work that was done on the pyramid chair that the final boyfriend is sitting in at the end.

To say that my wife was wanting to see this movie was an understatement and I tried my hardest to get her to go see the movie with someone else, I tried to convince her to see it with one of my friend's wive's but even she didn't want to see it. So after all attempts to get out of it I did the next best thing and be the good husband that goes and supports the wife's work, it also helped that every Saturday, Sunday and Holiday the theatre shows 6 buck movies before noon so to see something that I might not end up liking for 12 bucks was a fair trade off.

I went in really expecting to hate the movie and I found myself honestly liking it the more I saw of it, it was fun, yeah it didn't take itself seriously but with the HULK I was mad because all they needed to make was a live action flick about the HULK and they had to ruin it with having to be too artsy, this movie on the other hand was 10 times more extreme but I accepted all the word balloons and the word RIIIING going across the screen every time the phone rang.

At the end of it I found that I had fun, I didn't need to analize the movie, I didn't need to figure out what the motive of the main character was and whether it followed the proper movie formula because it was just fun. For anyone not quite familiar with the story to sum it up its about an average guy named Scott Pilgrim who learns that he has to battle the 7 deadly ex's of a girl he's just fallen in love with, sound boring? not in the slightest and not once did I look at my watch wondering when this movie was going to end.

The movie seemed to be cast perfectly from top to bottom, granted had I known the source material I might have thought otherwise..who knows, have to say it was nice to see Brandon Routh in the movie as the Vegan powered ex, for how relaxed and confident he was in the movie I thought it was a shame that he couldn't have carried that delivery over to Superman when he was in that trainwreck Superman Returns, I said to my wife a couple of times, gee if Brandon had just done Superman like this with the blown back hair and the confident demeanor maybe Returns might not have sucked as much as it did........yeah I don't think it would have helped either.

I've been getting a real kick out of the Scott Pilgrim vs the World downloadable game on the Playstation and I can now say that I got as much of a kick out of seeing the movie now as playing the game, if you've been on the fence seeing this movie because it looked alittle cheesy in the trailer or simply because you didn't read the source material, all I can to you is this, go into the movie with an open mind and get ready to have a great time, Scott Pilgrim is fun, witty and throws in enough nods to classic video games that you'll find yourself enjoying every minute of it, ohh and did I mention that the main character in the movie isn't necessarily Scott Pilgrim but a little Canadian city called Toronto? that might have helped this Ontario Canada native to love this movie too.

If I can give the movie a rating out of 10, I would probably give Scott Pilgrim vs the World a solid 8, its fun and worth checking it out guys even if you haven't read the graphic novel its based on.